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It is not difficult to guess SINEX_TRO files contain tropospheric data in a format derived from SINEX. The first version of SINEX_TRO (0.0.1) was developed in 1997 to allow the exchange of data containing the series of total zenith path delay transformed to precipitable water vapour. As made clear by the name these files inherited some of the structure of the plain SINEX files.
Due to the lack of Standardisation a few variations the original troop SINEX coexisted with different fields and the impossibility of creating a single software package to deal with all flavours of TROPO SINEX files. The situation started to change when new types of date called for a more unified treatment: Parameters from different sources either than save geodetic techniques (e.g. numerical weather prediction models), products including slant tropospheric delays, long term series of individual stations and even formalities like long station names (9 characters) in agreement with the RINEX 3 Standard.
Initially SINEX_TRO was accompanied by a companion SINEX file. As of the new Standard v2.0, SINEX_TRO is a standalone file contained all the information required to accompany the tropospheric data.
SINEX_TRO is compatible with the GSSC as is processed as resource type ‘Tropospheric Products’